The Art of Continuity
Filmmaking as a Script Supervisor


Hello Future Script Supervisor,
Thank you for taking the time to learn about The Art of Continuity from a working Script Supervisor.
The Art of Continuity / Filmmaking as a Script Supervisor aka TAOC is an online course with a unique atmosphere of learning. TAOC is an encouraging and supportive experience
from the teacher and fellow students.
TAOC students are global. Many are working Script Supervisors that want more training or more confidence in the craft as well as those with the goal of becoming a Script Supervisor for the first time.
This course is an A to Z type course. It starts at the beginning and builds upon itself. The 200+ page TAOC Workbook is dense with information and expands each lesson.
I review all homework in private videos ranging from 30 minutes to an hour. I let the years of experience just flow. In Lesson 6, you’re asked questions about the course so far and it’s the homework most talked about.
The homework is designed to mimic duties that you are required to know as a Script Supervisor. The workbook is dense with information and so is the Homework. The end goal is for you to become the best Script Supervisor for the project.
There is a private chat group for TAOC Students where you post homework, ask questions or
give an update on your progress. The archives have thousands of hours of video information pertaining to the craft of Script Supervision. All searchable.
Once a TAOC student, you will always have access to the information learned. Many constantly go back and review, review and review.
Attached is the class info. After you've read the material, let's talk or just get started. That’s
the beauty of this course, you start when you are ready.
It’s that easy.
In the meantime, while making your decision, please FOLLOW on
Instagram: Dawn Gilliam
Facebook: The Art of Continuity and Dawn Gilliam
Also, SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Dawn Gilliam channel.
Enjoy the videos and the posts. It's one way of staying connected.
If you have any questions, ask.
TAOC MOTTO: "To be the best Script Supervisor for the project."

In my experience, the most effective way to become proficient in Script Supervision is to fully immerse oneself in the material, diligently study it, and thoughtfully reflect on it week after week.
I have a keen eye for detecting those who have only skimmed the surface. My course is always up-to-date with the latest information and cutting-edge techniques, as I consistently update the workbook to reflect the most recent developments in the field.
Once you enroll in my course, you will have a lifelong connection with me. As a genuine and authentic teacher and mentor, you can easily find me on IMDB.com.